Why did you choose MYA?
I work for MYA so it was a no brainier. Even before I worked for MYA it was a brand I’d researched before and trusted. I love the social side of being a MYA patient, it is so nice to be able to connect with other patients who are going through the same thing as you. I’d recommend following some MYA Instagram Journeys - mine is @MYABAMASTO2021 .
Why do you feel it’s important for people to talk openly about their cosmetic surgery procedure?
I think so many people have cometic surgery these days and still feel ashamed or embarrassed about it. I hope that sharing my story will give others the confidence to make that life-changing decision without worrying about what other people will think. I did not have a cosmetic surgery because of how other people viewed me or my body, I had it for my own self-confidence! I think the more openly people talk about cosmetic surgery the more we break down the stigma around it.
How was your consultation with your surgeon?
Despite working for MYA, meeting the surgeon was a little daunting, I felt those pre-consult nerves just like anybody else would. The surgeon consultation was very insightful and put my mind at ease. I felt even more sure and excited about my procedure after our chat.
What top 3 tips would you give to someone looking into having cosmetic surgery?
Think realistically whether this is the right time for you. Can you fund it? Can you take time off work to recover? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to have children anytime soon? All these factors play a big part in your decision to have breast surgery.
Be open minded, and trust the experts. To achieve the results you want, you may require a different procedure to what you initially had in mind.
Stop putting it off, if this is something you want i and have been considering for a while, go for it!
I had a very straight forward recovery and I made sure I followed all the aftercare guidelines set by my surgeon and nurse. I was very apprehensive about how I would recover because in the past I have always been that friend where something goes wrong!
I felt reassured throughout my journey by my MYA nurse. I was also surprised at how mild the pain was, I stopped taking my pain killers regularly after only three days. (Frozen peas were my savours to ease any pain!)
What would you say to someone that is worried about scarring?
My scars are very neat already at 6 weeks post-op, they do not bother me whatsoever. I would much rather have full perky boobs with a scar than what I had before surgery. Bodies heal and scares fade, focus on the long-term benefits. Plus, the only person looking at your scares is you… and possibly a partner.
What do you feel is different now following your breast uplift procedure?
I have never felt this body confident in my whole life. Before my surgery I wouldn’t even look down at my breast while showing or in the bath. I’d never owned a top or dress that was low cut or backless, whereas now I can’t stop buying them. As cringe as it is, I feel sexy and free!
Why is being Body honest important to you?
I think it is so important to be body honest, especially on social media. The last thing I want is to make somebody feel bad about their own body because of ‘beauty standards’. I know when I was a teenager, I was very impressionable and would look at images of other girls and think less of myself. Now as an adult I know I had surgery for the right reasons and I want to share that message with other women.
Would you recommend MYA?
100% yes! I have experienced MYA from two perspectives… staff and patient. I have had so much support from my fellow team members, as well as other departments such as the clinical team who I don’t work as closely with. I have been treated like any other patient throughout my journey and received the same care. I have also felt the love from all the other MYA girls out there and have made so many connections with other girls who’ve either had or are planning a surgery with MYA. MYA has such a supportive community- you never feel alone!