Hey girls
I’m booked for Dr traynor soon and recently saw a lot of negative posts about him and now really nervous.
I know he’s straight to the point and quite dry which upsets some people however I’m not concerned about that as long as the results are good. Does anyone have some positive results with him to put me at ease please:(? X
Hi I had Mr Traynor 8 days ago. He was really straight to the point but really friendly. I am 8dpo and really pleased with my results I wouldn’t worry about negative comments you get negativity with everyone. Xx
I had Mr Traynor in September. He was very straight to the point and I think on surgery day I was more nervous about seeing him again than my op lol he made me really shy. I had 350cc hp unders from a very flat A and I’m really happy with my results. Glad I have no problems with them as I wouldn’t like to go back and say so to him xx
Hi Amber, I had my surgery last Wednesday 15th with Dr Traynor, very happy with my results, he does get to the point but I think that’s a good thing as he is the expert and knows what he’s talking about, I also know a few people who have had Dr Traynor also and very happy with their results xxx
Hi Hun I was just going to post an thread on my traynor giving him so credit as I feel there been a lot of negative posts lately about it that ain’t fair either but I’ll keep my thoughts on them to my self I had my traynor nearly 6 months ago now I love the fact he was quite blunt with me told me straight what to expect didn’t oust foot the truth to me and most of all was honest I had 600cc overs and love them I’m a larger lady aswell size 14 I feel people go expecting miracles and are dissatisfied by expected results rather than perfection I’ve also had problems with my boobs when recoverying and he couldn’t of helped me more he also said not to hesitate if I get any problems in the furture and go straight back to him xxxx
I’m booked in with Mr Traynor 6th dec and can not wait !! Had my consultation with him few weeks ago, straight to the point but friendly too and shook my hand when leaving. I think people expect perfection when in reality everyone’s body’s/boobs are different so people’s results are going to vary. I would say look forward to it xx
Mr Traynor was my surgeon and would highly recommend him. He is honest about your expectations, gives excellent advice about caring for you new boobs and I wasn’t afraid to ask him anything. He can be very straight to the point, but surely that’s what we want when considering cosmetic surgery.
After seeing and hearing about his work I was certain that he was the surgeon for me, that’s why I chose Mya, purely because I wanted Mr Traynor.
I am so happy with my new boobs and will be following all the advice he gave me to keep them looking their best.
I am 9 dpo and i had dr traynor and i feel he was amazing. Straight to the point but he has gave me exactly what i want and i couldnt be happier. You get negative everywhere but i’m 100% pleased i chose Traynor. X
Thank you everyone!made me feels loads better ha
Can get excited again!!X
I had Traynor also 3 weeks ago. he was lovely, yes he is direct but he doesn’t bullsh** you with false hope. He says it how it is and is honest with you. At the end of the day what matters is how he is as a surgeon and what his work is like. He had some of the best credentials if you look up his profile on here and compare it to other surgeons, he was way more operations under his belt than most. I was so happy with my results, im only 3 weeks, but he made me feel safe, and came to see me after surgery also. Do not worry.
Just back from consultation with Dr Traynor and must say : I bloody really like him. 100% profesional and honest. He made me feel very safe and I am sure I’Il be in good hands. I told him that I dont want to go 2 big and look stupid with 2 massive balls on my chest… then he shake my hand and said : well done girl …. I am sure we are on the same page.
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