Hi girls, I’ve read loads of comments on the forum saying that unders get bigger with time. Is this correct? I’m almost 2 weeks PO and had 295cc high profile unders, I think I’m about a 32D at the moment but just want to know if I should expect them to get smaller or bigger over time x x
They will get bigger hun yes, you have alot of dropping and fluffing to do yet! The muscle needs to adapt and relax around your implant meaning you might grow a little! You will have a better idea of your bra size by about 8 weeks!:) hope you’re pleased with them chick!:)
Me too Dawn, I’m very excited it can’t come quick enough!:) xxx
Ahh cool i’m 6th august highgate, i can’t stop thinking about it night, wont’ be long before you know it will be our turn eeek x
Thanks Danielle I’m happy with the size now but if they get even bigger i’ll be over the moon. Can’t wait to be able to go bra shopping :-). Good luck with your op, when are you having them done? x x
Hi Molly, I had unders just over 3 weeks ago and mine change every day! I’m hoping they’ll get bigger as well! Xxx
I’m having mine done 23rd August and I tell you what Hun it can’t come quick enough! They say unders do most of their changing in the first 8-10 weeks after that they settle, however it can take up to a year to see the final results!:D xxx
Molly, yours look fab already Hun! I should think they will still drop and fluff more, as ou are still early days. The dr wrote mp on your chest, does that mean you had medium profile? X
I thought that was my initials :-S ….I was told I was having high profiles – now i’m not sure :-O x
Oh, lol! It probably was! x x x
i was told by my surgon that unders can continue to get a lil larger thoughout the year as it can take a while for some peoples muscel to relax round the implants. i defo got bigger from week 2 through to were i am now i had mine done in jan ..
oooh I hope mine get bigger! Im 2 weeks post op and Im sure theyve shrunk a little! xx
as the fullness from the top drops you defo feel like your getting smaller . specially when you look down. but have a look at my pics fromthe day of the op till week 8 u see the fullness dropping and filling out in the rest of the boob making it look like proper booies
I’m one of the rare few that never got a visit from the fluffing fairy!! I’ve had unders twice and both times my lovely boobs shrunk as the swelling went down. Bad times indeed!
Having my third boob job in a few weeks with 550 & 600cc so fingers crossed maybe it’s gonna be third time lucky! X
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