Hi Girls,
When did everyone take a trip back to the gym after their op?
I had my op 2 weeks ago in which my scars have healed beautifully and i have felt no pain throughout the whole process! other than sensitive nipples!
I feel i could go back to the gym and just do the basic stuff but i dont want to over do it!
Anyone else been in the same situation?x
I was told give it 6 weeks; makes me sad 🙁 But I’m gna try do some low impact leg work I think if I feel up to it at about 3 xx
I went back after 4 weeks but only done legs or a spin class until I was 8 weeks then I was back to normal.
You know your body best, but I would stay away from any upper body work until your completely healed Hun.
It’s annoying isn’t it, I feel I could easily do squats etc at 6 days post op xx
I’ve just seen my nurse today cos I was struggling with press ups (I’m 4 months po) and she said under the muscle can take up to 6 months to repair x
Hi! I had mine over the muscle but might go and just do some cardio like on the bike etc! x
I went back after 3 weeks and just walked uphill! and did some squats and lunges etc with no weights, today it is 4 weeks and just did some light arms! Surgeon said to me just take it easy and let your body tell you what you cant and cant do. I had overs too xx
I went back to the gym this week (3 weeks PO). I have healed really nicely and just felt like i was ready. I walked up hill, went on the stepper and did some legs on the resistance and cable machines. I am not doing any upper arm work yet and will prob just start with resistance bands. Mine are under the muscle facia so i think i have healed quicker than if i had had them under the muscle. xx
I went back after 3 weeks cuss my surgeon said I’d be fine at 3-4 weeks. I started off on the spin bike and cross trainer with no arms then went to lower body weights. I’m now 7 weeks post op and I’m back lifting heavy and pushing myself. I’ve been for a 2 mile run and It was hard but only cuss my fitness level had dropped. I did a few press up last week and that felt weird. I’m the same as you and I’ve had no pain at all. Just listen to your body and only do what you feel you can. Xx
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